Choosing The Right Mass Laboratory For Your Business
There is a lot to be considered in assessing who should be calibrating your balance calibration weights. Not only do you need to ensure the technical competence of the weight calibration provider to ensure traceability and accuracy, but you also need to take into account the weight calibration provider’s capabilities for measurement range and finally their timeliness in getting your balance calibration weights back to you and your process.
Always under tight environmental control, our lab is specifically designed and constructed to eliminate any effects from vibration and static. State-of-the-art mass comparators give the utmost in accurate and precise weight calibration measurements. Our personnel are trained and certified by NIST and have extensive experience in meeting the industry’s rigorous technical requirements. Our weight calibrations are traceable to NIST and give you the confidence and documentation required to assist you in the use of your balance precision weights. Turnaround time for weight calibrations is a real world five working days, or more immediate turnaround times may be scheduled in advance.